If you are receiving an HLS Failed to pull Manifest error, HLS Failed to load stream, or similar errors here's a few ways to fix the issues.

The first thing to test is clearing the cache of your browser and restarting your browser, this will normally fix the issue.

If you're using an older browser or operating system such as Internet Explorer on Windows 7, you will need to load the website as https:// not 
http://. This should resolve the issue.

If you're behind a corporate or more stringent firewall you may need to make the following changes in IE as well:

IE: Go to “Internet Options” > “Security” > “Internet” > choose “Custom Level” and scroll down to “Miscellaneous”.

One of the options should be “Access data sources across domain” - set this to “Enable”.

We would also recommend trying a different browser and see if the issue remains.